Seamless Integration of UbiBot with IFTTT: A Step-by-Step Guide
Last Update 9 месяцев назад
You can watch the tutorial video on YouTube :
1: Sign up and sign in your IFTTT account.
2: Click the “Create” on the upper right corner.
3: Click “This” to add an trigger.
4: Enter “ubibot” and choose the UbiBot service.
5: Click “Connect”
6: Enter your UbiBot account information to connect it with IFTTT platform.
7: You can see all the triggers here and choose one.
8: Choose a channel ID (Device) and click ”Create trigger”
9: Click “That” to add an action.
10: Here I choose “Email” as an example.
11: Click “Connect”.
12: Enter your Email address to connect it with IFTTT platform.
13: Choose the email action
14: You can edit the content of email here.
15: Now, you have created an applet successfully.